The English Montessori Preschool is an English speaking international kindergarten with focus on the Montessori method. Our kindergarten is licensed by the Bavarian government and was founded in 1983. The kindergarten is located in a charming, historically protected building in a residential area of Laim Munich.
We welcome children of every nationality, ages 2,5 - 6 years.
The Montessori method, experienced teachers, the english language and an up-to-date child education approach are all part of our concept (in compliance with the BayKiBiG).
Unser familiengeführter, von der Regierung Oberbayerns anerkannter, Kindergarten ist in einem historischen Haus inmitten des schönen Laimer Villenviertels gelegen.
Wir bieten eine englischsprachige Kinderbetreuung, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Kindern im Alter von 2,5 bis zur Einschulung angepasst ist. Kinder jeglicher Herkunft sind bei uns willkommen, englische Sprachkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich, denn Ihr Kind wird sich ohne Probleme in der neuen Sprache zurechtfinden.
The home-like atmosphere with friendly teachers (2 per 15 children), an inspiring environment as well as a home cooked lunch gives your child a feeling of comfort and well being.
If you are interested, please come and see us and you will see how our kindergarten works for you and your child. Give us a call and we will arrange a personal visit.

Working together, parents, teachers and administrators build confidence in the child, through communication and trust. Parents have two elected representatives from each group. Your representatives help keep an open line of communication between management, teachers and parents.
If you would like to observe a classroom, please contact the office for a personal appointment.
More Information about the Montessori Method

The children are the center of attention in our Montessori prepared environment. As a result, children concentrate with enthusiasm and achieve a real and profound understanding of task oriented learning. The child friendly environment offers a variety of developmental areas: practical life, math, geography, science, music, sensorial, language, art, biology, nature, culture, social-emotional. In addition, we do offer German to children who need to prepare for German school during the last year of kindergarten.

Mehr Infos zu English Montessori Preschool
3 Bewertungen zu English Montessori Preschool
von Anonym am 13.01.2017 13:54This is the best preschool in I have ever seen, and absolutely a Montessori based classes. The kids are very busy with their task and they are very focused. Very clean and healthy at the same time kids friendly meals they are offering. The kindergarten as such is contributing a high value added generation to its society.
von Anonym am 18.06.2016 06:02Our son went here for his entire preschool and Kindergarten time and we couldn't have been happier. A family atmosphere with small classes and great individual attention to each child. He was wonderfully prepared for our move back to the US. And even with his dyslexia he surpassed many of his peers. Thank You English Montessori!
von anonym am 20.03.2014 16:36This is the best school that our children have attended. It is a caring and nurturing environment that lets the children thrive. In addition they offer many extra curricular activities which the children love & native speaking teachers. We can most highly recommend it!